My Truth Card Game
My Truth Card Game
My Truth Card Game is a conversational Card Game for couples to share their truth and enhance their relationship. With over 80 subjects to talk about Over 200 trigger pointers to stimulate conversation 100 quality cards with 3 ways to play “I would buy this for every couple I know!” Happy wife

My Truth Card Game DELUXE £49.99
The My Truth DELUXE version comes with a fridge magnet and the cards are made of plastic, packaged in a in a durable tin box.

Let's talk about it
Therapy sessions and My Truth Card Game
You will have the opportunity to work with one or both members of this dynamic married couple of over 26 years.
Clif a Systemic Family Practitioner, and Marie a qualified Therapist and Systemic Family Practitioner you will feel supported you to Resolve conflicts, and deepen emotional connection.
Made me sit up and listen
"If I could I would buy this for every couple I know"
Felt supported and held
“It brought me to tears, as it was thought provoking and made me think about things I hadn’t thought about before”
(Husband for over 10 years)
Felt supported and held
"It was like having a mediator in the room"